"Vacationer" is a Philadelphia based group consisting of members Kenny Vasoli, Mathew Young, Ryan Zimmaro, Michael Mullin, and Greg Altman. In an interview with "The Spec" Lead singer Kenny Vasoli stated that...he enjoys music that reminds him to relax, which this track accomplishes perfectly."The Wild Life" of their new album "Relief" and it embodies the chill. I actually found this song yesterday while hanging out with a couple of friends, and as soon as it came on everyone started moving. It's just one of those dope songs with an island vibe that makes it impossible to stand still. The song is literally about chilling out and not doing anything, a message conveyed lyrically but through the instrumentation as well. Everything from the drums to the guitar, and even the bells just seems to fit together. A lot of music doesn't posses unity between the instrumentation and vocals, for example, in a lot of songs might be a guitar part or some weird rhythm with the drums that doesn't seem to belong. On, "Relief though every track is perfectly sculpted to induce maximum chill upon listening. If you're still looking for that summer song to vibe out to, you can't go wrong with this one.
Monday, July 28, 2014
A Dope Vacation
"Vacationer" is a Philadelphia based group consisting of members Kenny Vasoli, Mathew Young, Ryan Zimmaro, Michael Mullin, and Greg Altman. In an interview with "The Spec" Lead singer Kenny Vasoli stated that...he enjoys music that reminds him to relax, which this track accomplishes perfectly."The Wild Life" of their new album "Relief" and it embodies the chill. I actually found this song yesterday while hanging out with a couple of friends, and as soon as it came on everyone started moving. It's just one of those dope songs with an island vibe that makes it impossible to stand still. The song is literally about chilling out and not doing anything, a message conveyed lyrically but through the instrumentation as well. Everything from the drums to the guitar, and even the bells just seems to fit together. A lot of music doesn't posses unity between the instrumentation and vocals, for example, in a lot of songs might be a guitar part or some weird rhythm with the drums that doesn't seem to belong. On, "Relief though every track is perfectly sculpted to induce maximum chill upon listening. If you're still looking for that summer song to vibe out to, you can't go wrong with this one.
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The Wild Life,
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