Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tim Time: *insert fangirl scream here*

The group many people only know by the song "Pumped Up Kicks" just dropped a new single and announced their summer tour dates, and there is good news and bad news; the good news,  the single "Coming of Age" kicks ass; the bad news, they are not coming to Maryland. After launching a summer tour and dropping a new single, they announced their new album "Supermodel" to come out in March.  In addition to being a bomb-ass single the video is amazing and the album art (which is a picture of the street art they produced at the end of the video) is fantastic.  Foster the People, Mark Foster's fairly new project gained mainstream fandom one or two years ago when the pop stations snatched up their first single and nearly "Get Lucky"ed it.  Subsequently, the band has been riding the wave as semi-mainstream-electronic-dance-rock-pop kingpins and not really been producing much save for a few acoustic performances of their last album "Torches."  In the past few months Mark Foster stated he wanted to "refine" his sound which concerned me at first because his eclectic mix of dance oriented rhythms, MGMT-esque synths, and pop influences create Foster's unique sound, but upon hearing the single I cannot overstate how excited I am for this album.  The band's last album could b soundtrack summers and their show at Merriweather was pure magic.  Foster the People is a 21st century classic and both their new single and their old album come with a high recommendation from yours truly.

-Tim Time.

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